A word from the Chaplain

Educating is, according to its etymology, the action of forming. Not forming in any way but literally « driving up ». Education helps a student come into his/her own. Teach them how to give the very best of themselves to be able to raise themselves up to the highest capable degree.

Generally, in a high school, educating is first and foremost a development in intellectual qualities of students. Develop their knowledge and reasoning. Fair reasoning.

In a school like La Sauque, education is not limited to the development of intellectual qualities of the student, but it tends to the development of all the students. This means every student in each of their dimensions, all of their aspects and all of their qualities. These intellectual qualities in the broad sense, including therefore those artistic and sporting qualities.

Even more broadly, his human qualities, such as their sense of relationship and attention to others, righeousness of heart and effort. Last but not least, their spiritual qualities, starting with his ability to relate to someone greater than them, who gives meaning to what they are and what they do.

May everyone at la Sauque work to develop thei humanity in its entirety. With the grace of God,

Brother Romaric

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