International exchange program

The Lycée de la Sauque has been hosting students from forein countries for years now, mainly from the English speaking countries and from central Europe (Slovakia, Czech Republic…)

The language exchange works both ways and pupils from our school may have an opportunity to spend couple of months in the following countries:

• In Ireland – in our partner schools: Glenstal Abbaye and Glangowes Wood College
• In Spain – in our partner school College de Sacré Cœur in Saragosse
• In Germany – thanks to our cultural connections with the Kardinal Frings Gymnasium school close to Cologne
• In the United States of America – as part of an exchange network with St Cecile Catholic School for girls and with Montgomery Belle Academy Catholic School for boys. Both establishments are situated in Nashville, Tennessee.

Our pupils are also hosted by Chelsea Academy Catholic School in Virgnia.

In addition, our pupils have a chance to go on cultural trips to either discover certain aspects of our cultural heritage (Périgord, Paris, Vendée, Château de la Loire,…) or to learn more about foreign countries (Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ireland, Germany).

Sharima Leclercq : International exchange manager

Contact us

Lycée Privé de la Sauque • 2 Av. de la Sauque, 33650 La Brède • 05 56 20 26 26
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